Thursday, June 23, 2011

I own a piece of Rosenblatt Stadium/USC history

They had an auction at Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha Thursday in preparation for demolishing the facility for expansion of Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. We went by in time for about the last 30 or so items. Other than "Press Box" and "Press Only" signs, there was nothing left on the auction that interested me. Both quickly went above what I was willing to pay.

I learned later that home plate went for $1,700 and the American Flag (shown being taken down for the final time, below) went for $750. You'll have to strain to see the flag as I was sitting some distance away when the made the announcement and had to grab my camera quickly. Click on the picture and you can get a larger view.

The Zoo was selling sets of two seats on a non-auction basis, so I opted to go in that direction. Sometime in July, I'll be receiving a pair of blue seats similar to those shown above while South Carolina was warming up for one of its games during its run to the 2010 NCAA championship.

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