Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ex-Tiger Mazey's family dealing with son's injury, recovery

Randy Mazey played and coached
 at Clemson and once was head coach
at Charleston Southern. (WVU photo)

West Virginia coach and former Clemson player and grad assistant Randy Mazey and his wife Amanda are going through what no parents should have to endure. Their 14-year-old son, Weston, suffered a traumatic brain injury March 9 when he collided with a wall.

I've seen it reported as having happened during a game and during a practice, but that detail is immaterial. The injury required hospitalization and a long rehabilitation process. WQeston, nicknamed "Wammer," was moved to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta about 10 days after his injury for further treatment.

The family recently made a video showing his progress during recovery and another detailing plans for a foundation to help families in similar situations. It turns out the videos were not supposed to be accessible to the public yet. I apologize to the Mazeys publicly - and did so in an e-mail - for jumping the gun.

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