Friday, April 21, 2023

Morris shifts schedule to help CIU get some action

When I got home from the Florida-South Carolina game around Thursday, I went to the Bluefield State Website to see it there would be any live coverage of Friday's 1 p.m. doubleheader at Morris since it's the only game in the state at that time. I noticed that the recap of Bluefield State's last game said there was a Thursday night game at Morris.

Much like the Waco Kid when he met Sheriff Bart in "Blazing Saddles," I was very puzzled. I didn't have that game on my composite schedule for Thursday.

Sure enough, the Bluefield State schedule listed a 12-1 win over Morris Thursday night, but also listed a 9 a.m. Saturday doubleheader at Columbia International.  My schedule did have a Morris home game against Bluefield State on Saturday. So, it appears Morris moved the scheduled Saturday home game with Bluefield State to Thursday so the Big Blue could play Columbia International. CIU had advertised earlier this month that it was looking for games this weekend after a late cancellation.

Kudos to Hornets coach Zay Paul for helping Rams coach Jonathan Johnson out, and kudos to Bluefield State and coach Drew Bailey for being flexible, too.

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