Thursday, May 4, 2023

My apologies to Scott Foxhall

 I got a call a little while ago from one of my readers who took issue with the wording I used in reporting the firing of Scott Foxhall as pitching coach at Mississippi State in Wednesday's news digest. The subhead I used said he was "canned."

The reader said it came across as a cheap shot, and he's right. When I was working at newspapers I tried to avoid using such words readers might take issue with.

When I was putting the digest together on Wednesday, my thinking was "so few read this that no one will care if I used 'canned'." I was thankful to be proven wrong. Someone did read it, and cared enough to call me out. I was especially wrong to use the word of someone known and respected by many in the Palmetto State Baseball

I have no idea of what's going on at Mississippi State, but assistant coaches sometimes take the fall.

I doubt if coach Foxhall will ever see this. If he does, I hope he realizes that I'm sincere in my regrets for my poor choice of words and that I wish him the best at his next coaching stop.


Yeah, I messed up.

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