Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Team Offensive Totals, NCAA DI Schools

Games played
70 -- Clemson; South Carolina
65 -- Coastal Carolina; The Citadel
63 -- College of Charleston
57 -- Winthrop
56 -- Furman; USC Upstate
55 -- Charleston Southern; Wofford
54 -- Presbyterian

55 -- Coastal Carolina
54 -- South Carolina
45 -- Clemson
44 -- College of Charleston
43 -- The Citadel
27 -- Winthrop
19 -- Furman, USC Upstate
17 -- Charleston Southern; Wofford
15 -- Presbyterian

10 -- Coastal Carolina
16 -- South Carolina
19 -- College of Charleston
22 -- The Citadel
25 -- Clemson
30 -- Winthrop
37 -- Furman; USC Upstate
38 -- Charleston Southern; Wofford
39 -- Presbyterian

Team Batting Average
.324 -- Coastal Carolina
.319 -- College of Charleston
.3062 -- Winthrop
.3060 -- Clemson
.301 -- Wofford
.300 -- South Carolina
.298 -- The Citadel
.292 -- Furman
.286 -- Charleston Southern
.284 -- USC Upstate
.269 -- Presbyterian

2496 -- Clemson
2444 -- South Carolina
2293 -- College of Charleston
2258 -- Coastal Carolina
2253 -- The Citadel
2018 -- Winthrop
1970 -- USC Upstate
1969 -- Charleston Southern
1966 -- Wofford
1925 -- Furman
1876 -- Presbyterian

764 -- Clemson
734 -- South Carolina
732 -- Coastal Carolina; College of Charleston
671 -- The Citadel
618 -- Winthrop
591 -- Wofford
564 -- Charleston Southern
563 -- Furman
559 -- USC Upstate
504 -- Presbyterian

603 -- Coastal Carolina
600 -- Clemson
576 -- College of Charleston
499 -- South Carolina
425 -- The Citadel
384 -- Wofford
376 -- Winthrop
354 -- Furman
318 -- Charleston Southern
305 -- Presbyterian
286 -- USC Upstate

161 -- College of Charleston
147 -- Coastal Carolina
145 -- Clemson
132 -- South Carolina
129 -- Wofford
125 -- Winthrop
111 -- The Citadel
100 -- Presbyterian
97 -- Charleston Southern
95 -- Furman
93 -- USC Upstate

20 -- USC Upstate
18 -- Coastal Carolina
17 -- Furman; The Citadel; Wofford
15 -- Clemson; College of Charleston
14 -- Presbyterian; South Carolina
13 -- Winthrop
3 -- Charleston Southern

Home Runs
111 -- Coastal Carolina
105 -- College of Charleston
97 -- South Carolina
93 -- Clemson
71 - Furman
62 -- Charleston Southern; Winthrop
59 -- The Citadel
44 -- Wofford
33 -- Presbyterian
20 -- USC Upstate

Runs Batted In
549 -- Coastal Carolina
547 -- Clemson
532 -- College of Charleston
463 -- South Carolina
389 -- The Citadel
345 -- Winthrop
337 -- Wofford
309 -- Furman
284 -- Charleston Southern
276 -- Presbyterian
255 -- USC Upstate

Total Bases
1248 -- Coastal Carolina
1238 -- College of Charleston
1218 -- Clemson
1185 -- South Carolina
993 -- The Citadel
955 -- Winthrop
905 -- Furman
886 -- Wofford
853 -- Charleston Southern
752 -- USC Upstate
731 -- Presbyterian

Slugging Percentage
.553 -- Coastal Carolina
.540 -- College of Charleston
.488 -- Clemson
.485 -- South Carolina
.473 -- Winthrop
.470 -- Furman
.451 -- Wofford
.441 -- The Citadel
.433 -- Charleston Southern
.390 -- Presbyterian
.382 -- USC Upstate

375 -- Clemson
310 -- Coastal Carolina
298 -- College of Charleston; South Carolina
239 -- Wofford
224 -- The Citadel
219 -- Winthrop
192 -- Furman
181 -- Presbyterian
180 -- Charleston Southern
175 -- USC Upstate

Hit By Pitch
92 -- College of Charleston
89 -- South Carolina
74 -- Coastal Carolina
61 -- The Citadel
60 -- Clemson
53 -- Charleston Southern
51 -- Wofford
50 -- Winthrop
47 -- Furman
39 -- USC Upstate
32 -- Presbyterian

488 -- Clemson
479 -- College of Charleston
439 -- Charleston Southern
435 -- Presbyterian
434 -- South Carolina
418 -- Wofford
417 -- The Citadel
401 -- Coastal Carolina
381 -- USC Upstate
332 -- Winthrop
323 -- Furman

Grounded Into Double Plays
44 -- South Carolina
42 -- The Citadel; Winthrop
40 -- Furman
39 -- College of Charleston; USC Upstate
38 -- Wofford
35 -- Coastal Carolina
31 -- Clemson
28 -- Presbyterian
21 -- Charleston Southern

On Base Percentage
.417 -- Coastal Carolina
.413 -- College of Charleston
.403 -- Clemson
.392 -- South Carolina
.386 -- Wofford
.385 -- Winthrop
.373 -- The Citadel
.366 -- Furman
.359 -- Charleston Southern
.350 -- USC Upstate
.340 -- Presbyterian

Sacrifice flies
42 -- Clemson
36 -- College of Charleston
32 -- Coastal Carolina
28 -- Furman
26 -- South Carolina
24 -- The Citadel; Wofford
23 -- USC Upstate
20 -- Charleston Southern
18 -- Presbyterian
17 -- Winthrop

Sacrifice Bunts
71 -- Coastal Carolina
58 -- South Carolina
50 -- The Citadel
42 -- Winthrop
39 -- Presbyterian
33 -- USC Upstate
31 -- Charleston Southern
28 -- Wofford
23 -- Furman
19 -- Clemson
8 -- College of Charleston

Stolen Bases
161 -- Coastal Carolina
127 -- The Citadel
106 -- Clemson
89 -- College of Charleston
84 -- Wofford
73 -- Furman
69 -- Charleston Southern
53 -- South Carolina
48 -- Presbyterian
46 -- Winthrop
31 -- USC Upstate

Stolen Base Attempts
198 -- Coastal Carolina
161 -- The Citadel
132 -- Clemson
116 -- College of Charleston
98 -- Wofford
96 -- Furman
89 -- Charleston Southern
78 -- Winthrop
75 -- South Carolina
66 -- Presbyterian
39 -- USC Upstate

Caught Stealing
37 -- Coastal Carolina
34 -- The Citadel
32 -- Winthrop
27 -- College of Charleson
26 -- Clemson
23 -- Furman
22 -- South Carolina
20 -- Charleston Southern
18 -- Presbyterian
14 -- Wofford
8 -- USC Upstate

Times Shut Out
0 -- Clemson; Coastal Carolina
1 -- South Carolina; Winthrop
2 -- Charleston Southern; College of Charleston; Furman; The Citadel; Wofford
4 -- Presbyterian, USC Upstate

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